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Your Monthly Horoscope for July 2024

Overall Energy in July

Happy Birthday to Cancer and Leo people this month!

This month is a tad more subdued than June as we now have more Cancerian water energy with the Sun and Venus in Cancer. Mercury moves from Cancer to Leo on the 2nd. Mercury will be racing quickly through Leo this month to enter Virgo by the 25th. All water signs will feel an easy flow, and Libra, Aries, Sagittarius and Capricorn may be feeling more stressed the first week of July.

July 2nd Neptune turns retrograde at the last degree of Pisces, until December. There may be a little bit more confusion, delusion, or unrealistic fantasizing. LOL! Stay grounded and rethink. You may not be seeing the facts clearly until December.
The 4th of July Celebration has a good family vibe all the more reason to celebrate.

A New Moon in Cancer on the 5th, ushers in new beginnings, to themes around home life, family, and the time we choose to be quiet and nostalgic.

July 11th Venus enters fun loving Leo joining Mercury for the rest of the month, offering the perfect motivation for summer time activities and playing.

July 13th-14th is another Big energy this year as Mars is now conjunct (same degree as) Uranus in Taurus. Be on the alert for “Sudden outbursts” of temper, and the willpower to finally do that thing you’ve been putting off, or an increase in physical energy.

July 21 A Full Moon in Capricorn, as Mars enters Gemini to join with Jupiter! Mars is now free to really move fast for the month and this full moon is giving us the confidence and authority of Capricorn to accomplish something long lasting. There will also be conversations that lead to personal healing.

July 22nd the Sun leaves Cancer and enters Leo to join Venus. Time for a party or 2 or 3! Happy Birthday month to the Leo’s! Shine on Leo, you are very attractive for the next 4 weeks. Romance is in the air, and you are making memories this summer.

July 24th is a Utah Holiday- Pioneer Day! Mars is in harmony with Pluto, offering a powerful transformation within your network. Some social events and conversations are brewing with new ideas to start something new that will benefit many people.

Here’s how you can look up your own Astrology Chart or go to

Aries Astrological Symbol
Aries (Fire) Sun Moon, Rising— March 21-April 19
Although you may be challenged in relationships, and how you deal with people, steady wins the race. Keep at it, and believe in yourself. Take care of your homelife environment this month, get needed self care and connect with family members. Practice saying what you really feel, share your wisdom..
Taurus Astrological Symbol

Taurus (Earth) Sun Moon Rising— April 20-May 20
Mars is in your sign until the 21st, make use of this added energy, motivation and drive. There are many blessings happening for you in finances and your personal resources, maybe even love! Use the Mars energy to start the projects that will play out over the next year. Take advantage of any opportunities to socialize and network, and especially with summertime activities. These public events will bring you beneficial connections.

Gemini Astrological Sy
Gemini (Air) Sun Moon Rising—May 21-June 20
Your identity may be getting a makeover. The new Moon in Cancer is especially transformative, if you get clear on what you want financially. Your finances will improve this month, and love is in the air. There may be some authority figure who challenges you, but the most important action is to ask what your part is in this conflict and change yourself.
Cancer Astrological Symbol
Cancer (Water) Sun Moon Rising—June 21-July 22
Happy Birthday to all the Cancer folks! This month you are deeply connected to the dream realm, and can get important messages. You may be inspired to take on a new interest in the occult or esoteric arts. The New Moon in your sign is beneficial and puts you in the spotlight for extra attention from others. The full moon will shed light on a problem in relationships, and you may now let it go. Step into your inner authority and claim the respect you deserve.
Leo Astrological Sign
Leo (Fire) Sun Moon Rising—July 23-August 22
Happy Birthday to early Leo’s! You made it through a tough few months, and now there is a shift for you in career and reputation. Join Groups and make new friends to expand your influence, you will be popular and it will benefit you. Your relationships are moving into a new style, it is important that you do not fight the new ways, and allow for the change. Venus in your sign on the 12th will bring love interest. You will feel really good after the 21st, so hang on until then. You’ve got this!
Virgo Astrological Symbol

Virgo (Earth) Sun Moon Rising—August 23-September 22
June was a big month for Virgo, July is quite different. You will be more popular and social. Be extra careful of your need to rest and have self care though! The New Moon and Full Moon are beneficial to you, use the celestial portal to add extra impact to your career and your relationship goals! The last week of the month brings an interest in the hidden realms like, astrology, tarot, dreamwork, energy healing, and other esoteric themes.

libra Astrological Symbol
Libra (Air) Sun Moon Rising—September 23-October 22
You will notice blessings showing up for the next year as Jupiter is in harmony with your sign. However the first half of the month has some tension in your career area, use the New moon to bring in new opportunities and open doors you hadn’t thought of before. Also the Full moon may be bringing an end to something that came up around the June 21 Capricorn New Moon in the home and security area of your life. You will feel a relief and sense of play.
Scorpio Astrological Sign
Scorpio (Water) Sun Moon Rising—October 23-November 21
Take a deep breath Scorpio. The laser beam has shifted away from you now. This last year has been a doozie for you while Jupiter (in your opposite sign) was poking and prodding you to the Nth degree. But hallelujah, yes you are more free now. Jupiter in Gemini is asking for the completion of the transformation for you. Just let it be. Gemini is movement, so move on. Be social, enjoy. You deserve it. Your emotions are heightened and will shift after the 21st, and this is beneficial. Feel the power of your emotions this month. FYI feelings are actually your super power.
Sagittarius Astrological Sign
Sagittarius (Fire) Sun Moon Rising—November 22-December 21
Wow Sagittarius, Jupiter in your opposite sign is a big identity uplevel. Don’t get too chaotic in the mental tornado, practice your grounding and meditation. Your relationships may be needing change. Soul searching and healing is in order. Travel and adventure is on the horizon.
Capricorn Astrological Symbol
Capricorn (Earth) Sun Moon Rising—December 22-January 19
Mars is helping you to take action this month, perhaps in financial themes or to focus on fun activities and children. You may be surprisingly invited to an event. The New Moon and Full Moon are beneficial to you, use the celestial portal to add extra impact to your relationship goals and to be more authentically you!
Aquarius Astrological Symbol
Aquarius (Air) Sun Moon Rising—Jan 20-Feb 18
Jupiter is blessing all you do for 1 whole year, who will you be next year? The first 3 weeks have good harmony at home, and this month Venus and Mercury will be in your opposite sign of Leo, possibly creating some tension about how you control the inner child in you. July 13-15 is full of piss and vinegar, watch your temper! The last week of July will be more inspired as Mars in Gemini adds umph to your summer plans.
Pisces Astrological Symbol
Pisces (Water) Sun Moon Rising—Feb 19-March 20
The New Moon in a fellow water sign is beneficial and puts you in the spotlight for extra attention from others. The full moon will shed light on your groups/friends and hopes and dreams. The end of the month highlights themes around Home and Land. New information will arrive on the 15th, are you moving?
Deanna KingBringing Ceremony Home by Deanna KingDeanna is an astrologer, spiritual growth mentor, and author. You may find her services at
and her latest book at
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