Monthly Horoscope for January 2025
Overall Energy in January
OMG! We made it! Cheers to a new year, may it be easier than 2024 LOL!~ Truth bomb… December was hard. Due to Mercury Retrograde and the beginning of Mars Retrograde phase really stirred up the pot. Hold onto your britches, I’m not sure January is any easier.
First of all… Happy Birthday to Capricorn and Aquarius readers this month!
We begin the month with the Sun now in work oriented Capricorn. At least this brings some groundedness to our reality in the first 3 weeks.Unfortunately this first week is tense with Mars rx/Leo in opposition to Pluto/Aquarius. Hmm, power struggles, a desire to be free of restraints? Is pride keeping us stuck?
On the 3rd Venus moves into Sensitive Pisces perhaps to soften the tension and possible roadblocks felt from the square of Saturn/Pisces and Jupiter/Gemini. Venus can help us to offer forgiveness and see another’s perspective in a situation. Their perspective may not be right but at least we can understand it with Venus’ help.
On January 6th Mars in retrograde moves back into watery Cancer, bringing up Security issues. Interestingly the same day as the President’s Inauguration!!! The question we all ask now is: Is there enough money, friends, peace, etc. “Who will take care of me”, may be a common theme. This will be felt both personally at home and also collectively, as we begin to see how the government or leaders are… or aren’t taking care of us all.
Around January 8th there may be some news about government issues as curious Mercury moves into Capricorn (big daddy energy/government)
January 12th has some confusion and emotional overtones as Mars/Cancer aspects Neptune in Pisces. Legal matters will be brought to light and communicated as Venus is square Jupiter also. This combination may bring up much needed emotions to explode at the full moon the following day! Also The Nodes change signs today, North Node from Aries into intuitive Pisces and South Node from Libra into detail oriented Virgo. The nodes will now be bringing up these sign themes for the next 18 months. The North Node is where we are growing and the South Node is the unhealthy stuff that can’t go with us.
Gratefully, Saturn and Pluto are now direct and creating a forward movement of change and showing the way forward. Both are laying down a new foundation of plans and the transformative action to make our collective visions come to fruition.
Our first Lunation is a Full Moon in Cancer on January 13th. Again Cancer is focused on the home and personal Security, a Full Moon is an opportunity to end or finish a cycle. This is an emotional Full Moon. Family and friends are a perfect way to ease the challenges. What did you start in July that is ending now?
January 20th The Sun moves into Freedom loving and forward thinking Aquarius. But the Sun will first be meeting transformative Pluto and by the 23rd Mercury will be opposing Mars/Leo bringing out surprising communication/news/data. Yikes, Power struggles and ego are flying, look out! At first there may be some turmoil brought up, but try hard to see the silver lining.
January 28th, Mercury moves from Capricorn into Aquarius, connecting with Pluto and bringing up more in depth information that has been hidden.
January 29th is the New Moon in Aquarius being blessed by an aspect to Jupiter. This New Moon is ushering in the Pisces North Node requests, highlighting our “unrealistic delusions and fantasies” but also giving more conviction and dedication to ideals that can certainly come to fruition with a little heart based dedication. You will feel this in personal areas and global areas as well.
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What to expect for each sign~
Aries (Fire) Sun Moon, Rising— March 21-April 19
Mars is moving into Cancer early this month and will be causing some strife for you. Perhaps immature housemates or tension at home. Revamp how you feel about security at home. Is it your sanctuary? If not, how can you change that? After the 9th, there will also be tension from Mercury in Capricorn. Perhaps rethinking your career moves or tactfully asking for a raise. Use a strategy that is diplomatic and thought out, for success.
Taurus (Earth) Sun Moon Rising— April 20-May 20
You are one of the signs that will have it easier this month. Offer your grounded support to others who are being challenged. You will continue to experience sudden bursts of energy and surprises. The Full moon on the 29th will cause some tension, use your manners and be fair in any disputes.
Gemini (Air) Sun Moon Rising—May 21-June 20
Jupiter is continuing its retrograde in your sign, slowing your big dreams, asking for a true in depth review of who you are. Saturn may be causing some tension with authority figures. Use your wit and social skills to soften the grumpy folks around you. The Full moon will bless you with big conversations and enlightening ideas. Balance overthinking with Nature walks, dancing, water play, hobbies and whatever is not requiring thinking or talking, LOL!
Cancer (Water) Sun Moon Rising—June 21-July 22
There is good news and bad news. Good news: Pluto is helping you transform to become a better you. A full moon in your sign will help you let go of the emotional baggage. However with Mars in your sign for a few months, there are 2 possible scenarios that could play out. You can embrace the inner Warrior and stand up for your value and worth in situations. Or you can let others continue to treat you poorly, as you will be tested with this month. Remember to make your personal Security a priority. Don’t take anything personal, and stay in your own emotional lane. Alone time, Self Care and Socializing with loved ones is key for you this month.
Leo (Fire) Sun Moon Rising—July 23-August 22
Unleash the Lion, you will need your courage and regal leadership skills. There is a continual pressure from Pluto on you and at the end of the Month as the Sun/Mercury moves into Aquarius as well you will be in the spotlight of “or else”. You are feeling like being more free in life. Take advantage of the New Moon in your opposite sign on 29th to do a prayer or ritual to enhance your badassery through the challenge. Take hot baths, and write often.
Virgo (Earth) Sun Moon Rising—August 23-September 22
You have been under some external pressure because of Saturn in your opposite sign this year. This month is a reprieve as Venus joins Saturn and softens the experience. Your daily health routines may be under scrutiny or getting an upgrade. You could even be successful as a health coach if that has ever interested you.
Libra (Air) Sun Moon Rising—September 23-October 22
Unfortunately Mars in Cancer and the Full Moon on 13th will bring situations that cause you to use your best sense of fairness and polite manners, probably gritting your teeth too. These challenges could be at work this month, ending by the New Moon on the 29th. Plan some special fun for yourself, you deserve it.
Scorpio (Water) Sun Moon Rising—October 23-November 21
Saturn and Venus in Pisces are helping you to be the leader and act with a kind heart. Use your strong skills to help others and lessen their burdens. Mars is also softer and supportive now that he is in a fellow water sign. Your kind actions go a long way in making a difference. You are the gold star student this month!
Sagittarius (Fire) Sun Moon Rising—November 22-December 21
Keep up the good attitude and share your light. The tension from Saturn in Pisces will ease up this month with Venus’ help. A female gives good advice for you. Take care of your health and diet, you need to be in top form.
Capricorn (Earth) Sun Moon Rising—December 22-January 19
Happy Birthday late Capi’s! Well Mars in your opposite sign is stirring the dust for you too. This month may have some relationship quirks and hurdles. Earlier in the month is a good time to have needed conversations, remember to use tact and compassion. Watch your finances toward the end of the month.
Aquarius (Air) Sun Moon Rising—Jan 20-Feb 18
Happy Birthday to early Aquarians! This month brings focus to your daily routines and health. Take time to be mindful, give up bad habits and get in nature more. The good vibes will pick up after the 20th, as you will be magnetic to others. New Moon in your sign on the 29th, helping you begin something you will be known for!
Pisces (Water) Sun Moon Rising—Feb 19-March 20
Saturn is now Direct in your sign, and Venus is offering her blessings to you as well. Enjoy leisure time, perhaps a cultural event or luxury dinner. Romance will be fruitful either given or received. Mars rx in a fellow water sign, Cancer, will bring easy interactions this month, you may need to help others who are struggling.