Moab Happenings Archive
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Oh, Crap! The Amazing Things You Can Learn from Your Stool
by Ray Andrew, MD

Mike suffers from recurrent diverticulitis. The belly pain is excruciating. Incapacitating, in fact. Antibiotics were all he needed the first time. The second time, they did nothing, so he ended up back in the E.R. and was prescribed painkillers. In the E.R. for his third bout, he was only given IV fluids and sent home. No pain relief, no specific treatment, no guidance on how to prevent the next episode. His pain continued for days. He was tired of it.

Following up with his doctor, Mike underwent a stool test to see what else might be causing his symptoms. “Everything is fine,” he was told when he returned for the results. “But I don’t feel fine,” he protested. He didn’t realize that conventional stool testing only looks for blood, white cells, a couple of parasites, and a few bacteria. Most of the time, these tests come back normal.

Talking to a friend, Mike learned about the benefits of bovine colostrum. He picked some up from Prestige Wellness Institute and made an appointment with the hope of getting some answers and relief. To his amazement, he noticed immediate improvement after starting colostrum alone.

During his first appointment, Mike was prescribed repair peptides and very high-dose probiotics. Then he sent a stool sample to a lab that specializes in advanced evaluation of gastrointestinal tract function.

Upon his return, he was feeling a lot better. And he learned more about his gut function than he could have imagined was possible. He didn’t have any of the 29 really bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, or worms that were tested for. But he had taken so many antibiotics over the years that he was severely deficient in good bacteria. These tiny organisms are necessary for a number of important functions, including immune function, manufacture of B vitamins, and manufacture of fatty acids to nourish the colon.

Mike was also found to have several not-so-good bacteria in place of the good ones. You might think of them as weeds overtaking your lawn. Worse, one of these bacteria is a known cause of autoimmune disease. At least he didn’t have the kind that causes insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, and acne. But he did have a fungal infection, which can cause a host of problems, such as sugar cravings, weight gain, brain fog, depression, fatigue, insomnia, diarrhea, constipation, and much more.

The most striking findings on Mike’s advanced stool studies had nothing to do with bugs, however. It turns out that his pancreas was not producing enough enzymes to digest his food. It’s hard to be energetic when you can’t absorb the nutrients you eat. Additionally, he had an indicator of intestinal hyperpermeability—otherwise known as ‘leaky gut’—and a raging case of inflammatory bowel. In other words, diverticulitis was not Mike’s problem after all. Instead, he has an autoimmune disease that has been damaging his colon for at least the last five years. And if he had continued simply enduring the pain and taking pain medicine for his bouts of “diverticulitis”, he wouldn’t have a colon much longer.

Mike underwent a treatment to remove his intestinal fungus. He started a protocol to repair his leaky gut. He adopted an anti-inflammatory diet and started a nutrient formula designed to shut down the inflammation in his colon as quickly as possible without shutting down healthy immune function, as steroids and immunotherapy do. Soon, he had no more constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, or night sweats. Without even trying, he lost 10 unwanted pounds in 10 weeks.

If your gut is making you an unhappy camper; you’re requiring drugs of any kind (prescription or over the counter) to control unpleasant symptoms; or you’re tired of not getting the answers you need, chances are good you would benefit from a comprehensive gut evaluation, possibly including advanced stool studies. Unfortunately, you’re not going to get the answers you need from a scope of your stomach or colon. Scopes have their place, to be sure. But if you are looking for detailed answers about how your gut is functioning, you aren’t going to find them through the lens of a camera on the end of tube.

Instead, you will find them in a laboratory that specializes in stool analysis. Your poop can tell a lot more about your health than you know. And you will find solutions to the problems identified by consulting with one of the functional medicine specialists at Prestige Wellness Institute. When you’re ready for real solutions, call (435) 210-0184.

Proactive Health Management:
Partnering with Your Family Medicine Provider
by Hospital Staff

Your family medicine provider is more than just a doctor you visit when you’re sick. They are your partner in maintaining your overall health and well-being. By being proactive and regularly communicating your health concerns with your provider, you can take control of your health journey and ensure you receive the personalized care you deserve. For instance, you could schedule regular check-ups, even when you’re feeling well, to discuss any changes in your health, update your medical history, and address any concerns you may have. This proactive approach fosters trust and enables your provider to understand your unique health needs better.

Building a Relationship: Establishing a strong relationship with your family medicine provider is the cornerstone of proactive health management. Schedule regular check-ups, even when you’re feeling well, to discuss any changes in your health, update your medical history, and address any concerns you may have. This mutual trust and understanding fosters a respectful partnership, enabling your provider to understand your unique health needs better.

Open Communication: Effective communication is essential for proactive health management. Be open and honest with your provider about your symptoms, lifestyle habits, and any concerns you may have regarding your health. Keep a record of your symptoms, including their frequency and severity, to provide your provider with accurate information during appointments. Remember, no concern is too small to discuss with your provider.

Preventive Care: Prevention is critical to maintaining good health and preventing future health problems. Your family medicine provider can help you develop a personalized preventive care plan based on your age, gender, family history, and lifestyle factors. This plan may include routine screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle modifications to reduce your risk of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By working together with your provider, you can ensure that your preventive care plan is tailored to your specific health needs and goals.

Managing Chronic Conditions: If you have a chronic health condition, such as diabetes, hypertension, or asthma, proactive management is essential for maintaining your health and preventing complications. Work closely with your provider to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that includes medication management, lifestyle modifications, and regular monitoring of your condition. Be proactive in managing your symptoms and seek medical attention if you experience any changes or worsening of your condition.

Lifestyle Modifications: Your family medicine provider can offer valuable guidance and support for making healthy lifestyle changes. Whether you want to improve your diet by incorporating more fruits and vegetables, increase physical activity by taking regular walks, quit smoking by joining a support group, or manage stress by practicing mindfulness, your provider can offer personalized recommendations and resources to help you achieve your goals. By making proactive lifestyle modifications, you can improve your overall health and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.

Advocating for Your Health: As your own health advocate, your active participation in your healthcare decisions is crucial. Feel free to ask questions, seek clarification, and voice any concerns or preferences regarding your treatment plan. Your voice matters, and your provider is there to listen and respond to your needs.

Being proactive with your health concerns and engaging with your family medicine provider is essential for maintaining your overall health and well-being. By building a strong relationship, fostering open communication, prioritizing preventive care, managing chronic conditions, making lifestyle modifications, and advocating for your health, you can take control of your health journey and achieve optimal health outcomes. Your provider is here to support you every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to reach out and take charge of your health today.

Ready to take charge of your health journey? Look no further than the Family Medicine Clinic at Moab Regional Hospital. Our dedicated team is committed to partnering with you in proactive health management. Schedule regular check-ups, foster open communication, prioritize preventive care, manage chronic conditions, make lifestyle modifications, and advocate for your health with our support. Your well-being is our priority. Contact us today to begin your journey to optimal health! 435-719-5500.

Healthy Activities:


Jun 6 Dharma Recovery- Join Tom for Dharma Recovery, a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom. 6:30pm, 76 South 100 West—in the Back of Red Rock Bakery. Please sign up online

Jun 10 Tai Chi with Drew- 6pm, 76 south 100 West—in the back of Red Rock Bakery. Sign up online at

Jun 11 Mindful Momentum: A Group Health Coaching Journey with Laura- Embark on a transformative journey designed to empower and enlighten; this program focuses on alleviating the burdens of daily pressures while gaining clarity on your health priorities. Each week, we’ll delve into a unique theme, offering diverse perspectives to enhance your understanding of personal well-being. 5pm, Swanny Park. Sign up online at to save a spot.


Jun 13 Community Acupuncture- Join Crystal and The Recovery Center for Ear Acupuncture. The ear acupuncture will follow the NADA protocol. Relax on Yoga mats with props while you enjoy the benefits of ear acupuncture and relaxing music. 6:30pm at Wellness Collective, 76 South 100 West—in the back of Red Rock Bakery. By Donation. Please sign up online at

Jun 18 Yoga for First Responders- Join Breann with Wellness Collective for a special yoga class for first responders only. Class is free and you can sign up for class online at 6:30pm, 76 South 100 West­—in the back of Red Rock Bakery.


Jun 20 Dharma Recovery- Join Tom for Dharma Recovery, a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom. 6:30pm at Wellness Collective, 76 South 100 West—in the back of Red Rock Bakery.

Jun 24 Tai Chi with Drew- 6pm, 76 south 100 West—in the back of Red Rock Bakery. Sign up online at

Jun 25 Mindful Momentum: A Group Health Coaching Journey with Laura- Embark on a transformative journey with Laura's Mindful Momentum Group Health Coaching sessions. Designed to empower and enlighten, this program focuses on alleviating the burdens of daily pressures while gaining clarity on your health priorities. Each week, we’ll delve into a unique theme, offering diverse perspectives to enhance your understanding of personal well-being. 5:00pm, 76 South 100 West­—in the back of Red Rock Bakery. Sign up online at


Jun 27 Community Acupuncture- Join Crystal and The Recovery Center for Ear Acupuncture. The ear acupuncture will follow the NADA protocol. Relax on Yoga mats with props while you enjoy the benefits of ear acupuncture and relaxing music. 6:30pm at Wellness Collective, 76 South 100 West—in the back of Red Rock Bakery. By Donation. Please sign up online at


Gentle Yoga (Fridays 10:00am). Join Crystal at USARA for a FREE gentle yoga class. Please sign up in advance online at

Ongoing Healthy Activities:


Y12SR-The yoga of 12-Step recovery
(Tuesdays at 8:30am) Combining the practical tools of the 12-Step program with the ancient wisdom of yoga. Y12SR is a yoga practice followed by a brief group discussion based on the 12-steps. Open to everyone and anyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others. This is an open and inclusive group. All A’s are welcome. Y12SR is NOT a replacement for meetings, sponsor, or a part of the 12-step program. Provided in partnership with @myusara. Located at 76 South 100 West­—in the back of Red Rock Bakery.
Sign up online at

Y12SR-The yoga of 12-Step recovery
(Wednesdays at 5:15pm) Combining the practical tools of the 12-Step program with the ancient wisdom of yoga. Y12SR is a yoga practice followed by a brief group discussion based on the 12-steps. Open to everyone and anyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others. This is an open and inclusive group. All A’s are welcome. Y12SR is NOT a replacement for meetings, sponsor, or a part of the 12-step program. Provided in partnership with @myusara. Located at 76 South 100 West­—in the back of Red Rock Bakery. Sign up online at

Community Yoga with Wellness Collective

(Thursdays 5:15pm). Join the facilitators with Wellness Collective for a 60 minute community yoga class. Class is by donation and you must sign up in advance online at Located at 76 South 100 West­—in the back of Red Rock Bakery.

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