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Moab Regional Hospital Expands Testing
by Christy Calvin

Like many in our community, Moab Regional Hospital is eager to return to “business-as-usual”, however, there are important steps that we need to take to stay ahead of COVID-19 disease, including increased testing. Expanded testing is a key component of safely transitioning from social distancing and sheltering-in-place to opening our community up to broader economic activity, including tourism.

One of the challenges of containing the spread of COVID-19 is the high transmission rate of asymptomatic carriers. To re-open our community and stay open, we must work together to increase testing to address this situation. In cooperation with the Southeast Utah Department of Health (SEUHD), Moab Regional Hospital has developed a strategic testing program that will include testing, for both symptomatic and asymptomatic persons, as well as screening for individuals in high-risk settings, e.g. healthcare workers, first responders, employees of long-term care facilities, grocery and convenience store employees, etc.

In the last several weeks, the State of Utah has greatly relaxed testing guidelines and we are now able to test ANYONE in the community with any ONE of the following symptoms
• Fever
• Chills
• Cough
• Shortness of Breath
• Chest Pressure
• Headache
• Gastrointestinal Distress (Vomiting or Diarrhea)
• Sore Throat
• Muscle Aches
• Loss of Taste
or Smell
• Sneezing
• Allergy Symptoms

Also, we are now offering reputable antibody testing from the Mayo Clinic to asymptomatic individuals that have been symptom free for at least three days AND at least three weeks have passed since the onset of symptoms (see list of symptoms above).

Individuals that would like to be tested should call our Coronavirus Hotline at 435-719-3998 to set up an appointment.

Moab Regional Hospital is in a much better position now to face coronavirus than we were two months ago and we are so grateful to the sacrifices made by local businesses and individuals to keep our community safe. Social distancing worked! We flattened the curve! Widespread testing is the next step we need to take to keep our community safe. We also highly recommend mask wearing when in public spaces where social distancing measures can be difficult to maintain (i.e. grocery shopping).

Happy Homebound?
by Stephen Proskauer, M.D.

YES! I am getting a break from the rat race and having more time with my family. We take hikes together and it's great not to have the roads and trails clogged with tourists. Whenever I start worrying about the pandemic, I turn off the news, take ten deep breaths, and open my eyes to what's happening here now: beautiful spring weather, clean air, people I love. In this present moment, I am happy to be alive.

NO! I am always worrying about the virus, creeping closer and closer, infesting my house with its sneaky fingers. I clean all the surfaces six times a day, until I run out of disinfectant. My hands are raw from constant washing. The death toll is climbing every day and it scares me out of my wits.

YES! I get out to take walks around the neighborhood and have Zoom meetings with friends and family. We actually talk to each other regularly now – what a concept! I check in with people I never see much. We compare notes on menus and recipes. My aunt Debbie always has a glass of wine in her hand. Good news is I can opt out whenever she gets obnoxious and I “lose her signal.”

NO! My family gets on my nerves and I can't go out to see my friends. I feel like I am trapped in a pressure cooker. I am ready to explode!

YES! I am happy to know we have fresh fruits and vegetables in the market and such an abundance of choices. If my delivery lady can't find something I ask for, she buys something else just as good. We will be OK and nobody will die from running out of toilet paper.

NO! I spend each morning counting my rolls of toilet paper and afternoons rearranging my bags of rice and bottles of bleach. I worry every day about running out. I am haunted by empty grocery shelves.

YES! At last I have time draw and practice my guitar. And there are some projects in the garage waiting months for me to run out of my excuses, like sorting old photos and repairing that rickety table.

NO! I am laid off and bored out of my gourd! Tempted to go back to smoking and drinking, but I remember how hard it was to quit. Let's face it, I am getting depressed.

YES! We are so lucky to live in a caring community that looks out for people in need. Our savings are dwindling fast, but help is always available if we just let people out there know. Meanwhile, we have pulled out the old sewing machine and are making gowns for the hospital.

NO! This pandemic will never end. We are doomed and life will never return to normal again. We will run out of money and be homeless. This is a total disaster! The government has totally delayed and mismanaged the response to this crisis. Millions will die and the economy will never recover. It's too late to do anything about it.

YES! I am certainly not happy about failures at the Federal level, but our states and local communities have rallied and filled in many gaps. I trust the Grand County Health Department, the Moab municipal government and the Moab Regional Hospital to protect and care for us. Sheltering at home will prevent the worst outcome from happening and then we can slowly ease back into life out in the world. But I don't know, I might like to keep working from home. It's nice to have lunch with my wife...

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