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Got Pain? Try Ozone
By Ray Andrew, MD

Increasing numbers of Americans find themselves dealing with acute or chronic pain. Injuries and inflammatory conditions are widespread. The traditional approach to pain is to look for alterations in anatomy and cut them out, reposition them, reshape them, or replace them. When that doesn’t work, or no alterations are identified on x-ray or other imaging techniques, doctors prescribe drugs to reduce the brain’s perception of pain for a few hours at a time.

However, studies show—and patients are discovering—that in many cases, surgery is no more effective, but carries a lot more risks, than physical therapy and other harmless treatments. And many who suffer with chronic pain decide that the potential long-term complications of anti-inflammatories and narcotic pain killers are more than they want to risk.

Fortunately, several tools exist to change the course of pain. We have been using Ondamed (focused pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, also known as PEMF) with great success in reducing if not eliminating pain in a variety of conditions for several years now. Chiropractic manipulation, stopping smoking, following an anti-inflammatory diet, and taking systemic enzymes and curcumin are other very helpful treatment measures.

One of our best-kept secrets is an injection technique developed and pioneered by Dr. Frank Shallenberger. The combination of ozone with a number of key nutrients helps people with chronic neck and back pain, rotator cuff injuries, arthritic knees, degenerated discs, shoulder and elbow pain, trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome—basically just about any musculoskeletal pain. Depending on the nature of the problem, either a single injection or a series of them will often dramatically improve if not eliminate the pain. Can it help “bone-on-bone,” even when one has been told she needs a joint replaced? Yes, it sure can. We see it all the time.

Why Ozone?
We all know of ozone as the gas that resides above the Earth’s atmosphere, shielding us from the powerful UV-B light waves that can cause sunburn and cataracts, immune system suppression, and genetic damage (leading to cancer). But ozone has also been found to have remarkable benefits when applied therapeutically to health problems.

Whereas oxygen is chemically known as O2—two oxygen atoms attached by a double bond to form a stable molecule—ozone consists of three oxygen atoms in a very unstable molecule identified as O3. This instability is precisely the quality that makes ozone so powerful. The molecule “wants” to give up one of its oxygen atoms as quickly as possible so it can become stable again, as O2. Damaged tissues suffer from lack of oxygen. It does not matter how much oxygen is floating around in the bloodstream if it can’t get into cells that are damaged. Ozone uses the power of oxygen to cause damaged tissues, joints, ligaments, and tendons to regenerate.

How Does This Technique Work?
The reason some injuries heal and others don’t has to do with microcirculation. In order for a damaged area of the body to regenerate and heal, it must have the critical elements that only the blood can provide, such as vitamins, minerals, and oxygen.
Of these, by far the most important is oxygen. Low levels of oxygen cause an accumulation of lactic acid, which causes pain. The repair technique has three components, all delivered through the same injection. First, low-dose medications are delivered to the injured area to reduce inflammation and swelling. This leads to increased circulation. Secondly, the area is nourished with vitamins and minerals that are critical for repair. Finally, the site of pain is bathed with oxygen in the form of ozone. As a result, the treated tissues get everything they need to heal. As they heal, microcirculation to the area is re-established, and the pain disappears.

Condidions That Can Be Helped By Ozone
Ozone can work on just about any pain problem you might have, including neck pain, whiplash, degenerated or herniated discs, low back pain, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, torn tendons, TMJ syndrome, sciatica, heel spurs, neuromas, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tears, knee injuries, and virtually any other sports injury.
If you’ve had enough of pain and either don’t qualify for or want to avoid surgery, consider ozone therapy. You don’t get a trophy for unnecessary suffering, so why keep putting up with it?

What you need to know about Autism in Moab

April is Autism Awareness Month and for the past decade, the rate of Autism diagnoses has steadily increased. In the United States, it is estimated that the prevalence is 1 in 68 births. While diagnoses are increasing, researchers are continually finding out more about the disorder. In fact, the official diagnosis has changed recently. As of 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) has put all autistic disorders under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD. Before this change, a common diagnosis was Asperger’s syndrome meant for those with “high functioning autism.” Now, those same cases receive the ASD diagnosis and they simply fall on the lower end of the spectrum.

The causes for ASD are unknown. Currently, researchers are exploring many theories, including ties with heredity, genetics, and medical problems. The prevailing research has shown that ASD has no link with vaccines. Since 2003, there have been nine CDC-funded or conducted studies on the matter along with several other non-governmental studies. The American Academy of Pediatrics also stands behind this research.

There is no known cure for ASD, however, there are many options for integrated treatment. Pediatricians, family care physicians, and therapists can be excellent resources for individualized treatment options. Early diagnosis and intervention yields better outcomes for functionality and development.

ASD symptoms become present in children between 18 months and 2 years. Common symptoms to look for are when a child:
• Doesn’t coo or point to things by 12 months
• Isn’t saying single words by 16 months
• Doesn’t copy others or notice or mind when the caregiver leaves by 18 months
• Doesn’t say two word phrases on their own or isn’t able to follow simple instructions by 24 months
• Loses language or social skills at any age
These symptoms do not mean that a child has Autism. The symptoms are simply red flags that need further evaluation by a professional.

Sometimes parents don’t know where to start when they have concerns about their child. A good place to begin is to call the primary care doctor’s office and say, “I would like to make an appointment concerning my child’s development. I have some questions I’d like to discuss with the doctor.” If the child is school age, in pre-school, or frequently spends time at a daycare, teachers or caregivers have a wealth of knowledge they can share about how the child is acting and how they are socializing. Requesting a parent-teacher conference or a meeting can be helpful to speak one-on-one about specific behaviors.

For more information, please visit: and +

Your Body Is Speaking – Are You Listening?
by Christina Myers

Your body is polite, accommodating, and understanding. Your body knows you’re busy and attending to those people and circumstances to whom you have responsibilities. So first, it communicates to you quietly – like a tight neck. When you brush it off as no big deal, your body speaks louder when that tension spreads to your shoulders and down your back and gets achy. If you are still too preoccupied and pushing yourself on, your body raises its voice again more insistently – you bend over to pick up something and a blast of sharp pain takes you to your knees and maybe sends you to bed!

In complete shock and surprise, you ask –“ how did that happen? All I did was bend over to pick up something, like I’ve done many times before – and BOOM – I’m immobilized in pain!!” That’s one example of how many people arrive at my office – injured, frustrated, bewildered, afraid, and in pain – and sometimes feeling that their bodies have betrayed them. My job is to act as liaison between my clients and their bodies – to ease their pain and tension and calm their nervous system, to help them restore their innate connection to the healing wisdom of their body, to reestablish the body-self dialogue so the messages the body sends are heeded.

This integrated mind/body approach to healing and wellness involves being a good steward of one’s own mind, body, and spirit. It means becoming more aware of the interrelationship between what we think, what we feel, and of how our care (or lack of care) for our bodies impacts our overall health. When the body breaks down physically, there is an underlying mental, emotional, social, or spiritual correlation and we now have clear scientific evidence to back up this interplay.

SO HOW DID I LOSE MY INHERENT CONNECTION TO MY BODY-SELF? AFTER ALL, I LIVE HERE IN THIS BODY – DON’T I? Our bodies are the containers of our experiences, our memories, our feelings and thoughts, and our spirits and are revealed through physical symptoms, posture and alignment, and energy and vitality. They inform us constantly – from our gut instincts to our heart’s desires.

But notice how much we don’t acknowledge this truth. We are taught to override our gut feelings and listen to logic, to ignore our fatigue and keep going, to reward ourselves with decadent foods despite the known health risks, to do things that are draining and unrewarding to be polite and responsible, and to live in our heads and ignore the body’s sensations.
As we lose touch with our bodies, our resilience for health suffers. The evidence of a disruption in our body consciousness is exhibited in exhaustion, stress related illnesses, obesity, and burn out, to name a few.

Many people aren’t even aware of how their body is sending them messages. Instead they treat physical sensations as a nuisance to be ignored, pathology instead of a message, or simply don’t know what to do with them. If you pay attention, even subtle signals of muscle tightness, stomach upset, or shallow breathing can give you valuable information. These physical symptoms are the way your unconscious mind talks to you through your body. These bodily changes are the earliest signs telling you to pay attention to what’s happening in and around you.

Your inner wisdom knows what your body needs, but many have unwittingly distanced themselves from that wisdom. Instead of heeding the wisdom of that “inner compass,” and attending to our physical sensations, we “abandon ship.” Not feeling free to rest when tired, quit working when muscles are sore, stay home when sick – we tell ourselves to soldier on, no matter what the body says. We may try to numb out the body’s signals with sugar, caffeine, an internet escape, or overwork. When we distance ourselves from these body messages, we can’t hear the whispers the body sends as warning signs to take care and address problems. Often we choose to ignore the messages sent from our body selves because we don’t like what the messages say. An upset stomach warns you that junk food you just ate is not nourishing for you and you may not want to give it up. A pain in your back may signal it’s time to rest yet you may believe you need to work harder until the job is done. You may have been taught that a rational, logical problem solving model is better than following gut instincts and intuitive feelings.

When you heed the message of the physical symptoms, the body no longer has to manifest these messages physically and you may be able to prevent physical symptoms or disease. Within your body lies the perfect compass, if only you listen.
WANT TO DISCOVER WHAT YOUR BODY IS TRYING TO TELL YOU? Join me to learn some tools for connecting to the wisdom stored in your body and a guided visualization to help you discern what your physical symptoms are trying to communicate. Wednesday, April 18 with Christina Myers from 5-6 PM , by donation, at the Portal Building 150 E. Center St. Questions? Call 937-284-2190.

Are we spending too much time sitting?
See the Event Calendar (pages 4-7A) for full descriptions of events

Apr 3, 10, 17, 24 Intro to Yoga, a Gentle Yoga Series - Moab Yoga 37 E Center St. Questions about this class contact Star Kolb 406-291-6408

Apr 4, 11, 18, 25 Sheng Zhen Healing Gong - from 1:00-1:45pm, at the Grand Center Vitality Room, 182 N. 500 West. 435-260-9678

Apr 6 Free Class at Moonflower Coop: What to Supplement? Learn what kinds of supplements might just be marketing scams, which ones might be harmful for regular ingestion, & which ones you may genuinely be lacking and could benefit from! Call 435-259-5712 for more info or to sign up.

Apr 6 The MATCH Program Volunteer Orientation & Information Session - Seekhaven is looking for understanding, caring, & committed volunteers for this program. You do not have to commit to volunteering in order to attend this orientation. Call (435) 259-2229 & ask for Megan or email

Apr 11 Free Class at Moonflower: How to make Pasta - 6-7:30pm, Chef Max Schön will demonstrate how to make several different types of pasta, by hand & by using a pasta sheeter. Please sign up at 435-259-5712

Apr 18 Your Body Is Talking - Are You Listening? 5-6pm. Portal Building, 150 E. Center St. For more info: 937-284-2190.

April 20 Movement Workshop: Awakening the Wisdom of the Body
- 6:30-8:30 PM. Located at the MARC, 111 East 100 North. For info: 937-284-2190.

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